Participative Learning
Students get to learn much when there is an interactive session between the teacher and students. Isn’t the class boring when you just have to keep listening to what the teacher explains and then write down the notes? But when teachers actively participate with the students in teaching, then the students are able to grasp things that are being taught.
Learning Is So Much Fun When Students Are Treated As One
Students get to learn much when there is an interactive session between the teacher and students. Isn’t the class boring when you just have to keep listening to what the teacher explains and then write down the notes? But when teachers actively participate with the students in teaching, then the students are able to grasp things that are being taught. In the same way, a teacher should personally see to the progress of the child. Participative learning between the teacher and the student instills confidence among the children. The children feel free to open up and ask questions with the teacher. Remember, the results are achieved in the long term. All the children are given roles and responsibilities equally. This helps in building up of motivation as the students are also active participants.
Be Part of the Revolution
In participative learning, focus is not only on text-book studies but it stretches far beyond it. Students are made to make active use of library, field trips and even discuss topics with parents. And no, only marks don’t count in participative learning. It is the punctuality, obedience, motivation, attendance and responsibility that count. The analysis is qualitative rather than quantitative. All these are possible by the school ERP system. Analysis and assessment of students are done taking varying parameters into account. The strength and weakness of each individual student is assessed. A study is made as to how the student’s progress can be improved and by what technique. And the point to be noted is that, no force or compulsion is applied on the student. The student is encouraged to participate and enjoy activities what he likes. The parents of the student can see the analysis report online through the ERP mobile application and see how they can encourage the child.
Participative learning encourages independence and natural thinking among students. Because the main aim of participative learning is to understand and teach what the student is interested in. Participative learning, not only induces theoretical knowledge, but it also prepares the students practically for the real world outside.